Structural deformable models
Image< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Image< T >, including all inherited members.

addLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const T &value)Image< T >
const_iterator typedefImage< T >
convertFrom(const Image< S > &rhs)Image< T >inline
convolve(const Image< S > &kernel) const Image< T >inline
copy(const Image< T > &rhs)Image< T >
copy(const T *rhs)Image< T >
findMax() const Image< T >
findMaxima(int env=3)Image< T >
findMin() const Image< T >
freeImage()Image< T >
getBoundedIndex(int x, int y) const Image< T >inline
getData() const Image< T >inline
getData()Image< T >inline
getIndex(int x, int y) const Image< T >inline
getPixel(int x, int y) const Image< T >inline
getSize() const Image< T >inline
getSizeX() const Image< T >inline
getSizeY() const Image< T >inline
Image()Image< T >
Image(int sx, int sy)Image< T >inline
Image(int sx, int sy, const T &value)Image< T >inline
Image(const Image< T > &rhs)Image< T >
initialized() const Image< T >inline
insert(const Image< T > &ii, const int x=0, const int y=0)Image< T >
interleave(const std::vector< Image< T > > &img, dword ncomp=0)Image< T >inline
iterator typedefImage< T >
mirror(bool horiz=true, bool vert=true) const Image< T >inline
norm() const Image< T >
operator*=(const T &v)Image< T >
operator*=(const Image< T > &rhs)Image< T >
operator+=(const T &v)Image< T >
operator+=(const Image< T > &rhs)Image< T >
operator-=(const T &v)Image< T >
operator-=(const Image< T > &rhs)Image< T >
operator/=(const T &v)Image< T >
operator/=(const Image< T > &rhs)Image< T >
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Image< T > &rhs)Image< T >friend
operator=(const Image< T > &rhs)Image< T >
operator=(const T &rhs)Image< T >
operator>>(std::istream &is, Image< T > &rhs)Image< T >friend
readPPM(const std::string &fname)Image< T >inline
readPPMstream(std::istream &is)Image< T >inline
sameSize(const Image< S > &rhs)Image< T >inline
scaleBy(float s)Image< T >inline
scaleBy(float sx, float sy)Image< T >inline
setPixel(int x, int y, const T &value)Image< T >inline
setSize(int nx, int ny)Image< T >
setSize(int nx, int ny, const T &value)Image< T >
sizeXImage< T >protected
sizeYImage< T >protected
sum() const Image< T >
threshold(const T &th, double binarize=0)Image< T >
unsetNAN(double val=0)Image< T >
writePPM(const std::string &fname) const Image< T >inline
writePPMstream(std::ostream &os) const Image< T >inline
zeroPad(int brd, const T &col=0, bool smoothbrd=false)Image< T >
~Image()Image< T >inlinevirtual